Housework Is Love Made Visible
Housework Is Love Made Visible

Housework Is Love Made Visible

Jessica Esch
October 2020

From the Jessica Esch: Fill in the Blanks exhibition 

Original Statements:
"With this unmarried woman who used to say, and I kid you not, "Housework is love made visible.”And you want to gag, just truly gag. I was always coming in late because I'd have rehearsals. And so I never fit in." -Barbara Lee Smith

Oral history interview with Barbara Lee Smith, 2009 March 16-17. Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution. (Page 12)

Remington Portable Model 5 typewriter
Swiffer Dusters packaging
7 3/4" x 17 1/2"

Pricing available upon request.

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